Who We Are

Who We Are

Hugh Bennett, Gestalt Psychotherapist and Supervisor


I became interested in counselling after being on a Personal Development Course with the Irish Gestalt Centre. I was and still am fascinated by the way people respond to Gestalt Psychotherapy. From my own experience, I know how it feels to discover something about myself and my patterns of behaviour. I feel I bring this excitement and enthusiasm into my work with clients, along with experience, warmth and humour.

Since starting work as a counsellor, I have worked with a diverse range of difficulties such as depression, relationship problems, addiction and anxiety.

I operate on the basis that we are all born with the ability to solve our problems. Sometimes we get stuck and need help. I see my role as counsellor is to help the client to see clearly what their situation is and find out how they are part of it. Then we experiment together with finding new solutions or ways to face the difficulty.

I trained as a Gestalt Psychotherapist with the Irish Gestalt Centre. This course is 5 years long. I then did a further 2 years post practicum. I am now accredited with the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). I am also an Accredited IACP Supervisor trained in Creative Supervision  and provide supervision to other counsellors and psychotherapists.





Tina Bennett, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner


I first started training as a counsellor in 1998 with the Rape Crisis Network Ireland. This was my first introduction into the world of psychotherapy and the experiential nature of this training led me to beginning my own personal journey of self exploration and reflection.

I continued to work as a counsellor and trainer with the Rape Crisis Centre in Sligo for 21 years. During this time I trained for 5 years to become a Gestalt Psychotherapist. I have found Gestalt Therapy to be an effective counselling method both personally and professionally for a wide range of issues and I also have particular experience and expertise in trauma, sexual abuse, domestic violence, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, sexuality and group work.

I have also completed a 3 year course in Somatic Experiencing a body-oriented technique for working with the symptoms of trauma, such as PTSD, resulting from once off traumatic events or early developmental trauma.  This technique combines psychoeducation on the impact of a traumatised nervous system, paying attention to the body sensations associated with trauma and learning techniques to regulate, restore flow and balance to a nervous system trapped in the fight, flight, freeze response. Learn more about Somatic Experiencing   

Throughout my counselling career I have been continually in awe of people's ability overcome difficulties. Their capacity to grow and change when given a safe, creative space to explore themselves, their relationships and their world. I believe that everyone has the capacity and resources to heal and grow, sometimes we need support along the way. I feel I provide that safe space and bring competence, warmth, energy and humour to my practice.

Whilst Gestalt is my main therapeutic method I also employ an eclectic mix of Somatic Experiencing, Cognitive Behavioural Techniques, Rogerian Counselling, Art Therapy, meditation, mindfulness and visualisation in my practice. My personal and professional life has been deeply influenced by meditation and works by such authors as Eckhart Tolle (eg The Power of Now). I continue to be committed to my personal growth and professional development and I'm currently an accredited member of both the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Rape Crisis Network Ireland. I am also an accredited IACP Supervisor trained in Creative Supervison and provide supervision to other counsellors and psychotherapists.


Our Location

6 Ardee Terrace,