Services We Offer
One-to-One Counselling and Psychotherapy
We offer weekly 1 hour counselling/psychotherapy appointments. Our main method of working is Gestalt Counselling/Psychotherapy. Appointments are available Mon- Fri daytime and evenings. You can request a particular counsellor if you wish. Our fee is €60 per session. To book an appointment please call 087 7014335. For more information please follow the links below:
About Gestalt Therapy for information on how Gestalt Therapy works
Counselling/psychotherapy and meditation group prices for pricing structure
Frequently asked questions about counselling/psychotherapy for more information on what to expect from counselling
Counsellors; Who we are for more information on Hugh and Tina
Couple Counselling and Psychotherapy
What is a couple? From our perspective couples include not only male/female or same sex intimate couples. We also include other connections such as parent and child, siblings, blended family connections, colleagues etc. Any of these couple combinations may experience difficulty in their relationship and benefit from couple counselling/psychotherapy.
Why couple counselling? Sometimes a particular relationship may become difficult, bringing up uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and behaviours, you may feel that you are stuck and powerless to change how you are relating. Relationships can become affected by each persons unfinished business, by change or loss and habits of relating may become unfulfilling and damaging to each other. Trying to look at the issues between you as a couple can become tit for tat blaming sessions with each person defending their position, this is frustrating, exhausting and demoralising. It can feel that you are both going round in a vicious circle and getting nowhere. Coming to couple counselling provides you with a dedicated, safe space to explore what is happening between you. We ensure that each voice is heard equally, that you are supported to express how you feel and that time is given for you to understand and respond to each other. We can support you to express difficult things and offer an opportunity to step back from 'who did or did not do what' to experience how you are relating to each other here and now.
We offer weekly 1 hour long couple counselling/psychotherapy appointments. Appointments are available Monday-Friday daytime and evenings. Our fee is €60. To book an appointment please call 087 7104335. For more general information please click on the links in the above One-to-One Counselling and Psychotherapy paragraph.
We offer clincal supervision to counsellors and psychotherapists. We are accredited IACP Supervisors. The aim of supervision is to support the therapist in their work with clients so that both the therapist and client maximise their potential through engaging in the therapeutic process. Our training is in creative supervision underpinned by the Seven-Eyed Supervision Model developed by Hawkins and Shohet. Creative Supervision not only involves talking about client work but includes methods such as sculpting, drama, art work, metaphor and other creative means of looking at the therapeutic relationship and wider field. We also offer group supervision please contact us to discuss group structure, fee etc.
Supervision appointments are available Monday-Friday daytime and evenings. Our fee is €70. Please feel free call us to discuss your supervision requirements on 087 7014335.
Online Counselling/Psychotherapy and Supervision
We also offer online counselling/psychotherapy and supervision by video call via Zoom. Sessions can be booked for individuals or couples. Our fee is €60 per session for counselling/psychotherapy and €70 for supervision.
Our Location
6 Ardee Terrace,