Counselling and Meditation Testimonials

Counselling and Meditation Testimonials

"If you would like to feel sane in our busy world- do this course!" Artist's Way Participant

"Doing the Artist's Way was such a lovely experience, it taught me to slow down and to become more aware of how to bring more creativity into my life, and to take risks!" Artist's Way Participant

"The Artist's Way made the person that has been hiding away for so long to come out and embrace my world, to live my dream and become what I'm meant to be" Artist's Way Participant

"Tina holds a quiet space for us to find ourselves in, to falter, to forgive and to forge on regardless" Artist's Way Participant

"The best Artist's Way ever, with lasting results. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Artist's Way Participant

"Waves and troughs .......what a ride home to myself" Artist's Way Participant

"I loved this course. I have changed my whole attitude towards myself as a creative person. I really believe that I am now good enough when I say it, really believe." Artist's Way Participant

"The Artist's Way has shown me that I am worth loving." Artist's Way Participant

"Through group meditation I am learning to focus on the breath in silence in the company of others. The group provides a back drop of support and loving kindness and a sense of connection to self and to others also is experienced." Meditation group participant

"I experienced friendship, acknowledgement and encouragement throughout the course. A very empowering experience. Thank you!"Meditation group participant

"Sitting with others meditating has been a most powerful experience for me. Breathing while others breathe is just to be experienced to be believed." Meditation group participant

"Meditation group quickly became a huge personal support for me during a very challenging time in my life. Thank you" Meditation group participant

"The meditation group has been very beneficial to me as it has helped me restore my sense of inner peace" Meditation group participant

"A nuturing, honest gathering" Meditation group participant

"I created this space in my busy week to help ground me and take care of myself- this simple step helped me to feel much calmer and able to stay in the present moment much more in my life" Meditation group participant

"Taking time from my mind to be a moment in my body" Meditation group participant

"I live in chronic pain and since joining the meditation group I am coping better with the pain. I have less tension in both my body and my mind and I am pacing myself more satisfactorily. I have noticed that I am less inclined to resort to medication on the days I meditate. Following meditation I feel very relaxed and I find it a good time to stretch and strengthen my joints and muscles." Meditation group participant



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6 Ardee Terrace,